Beautiful - I like the idea of moving through personal seasons with the calendar. And if I sleep more in winter since night takes up more space on the clock, it feels good. That idea of seeds planted for next year's activities also resonates.

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"perhaps winter is the white space of the year" fuck yea, that's incredible. Ha, sounds like we are having the same weather and sounds like you and my partner have similar reactions to it.

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Couldn’t have explained my mood better this week than you have in your essay. The rain, the dark, moody days, the chill, especially caught up with me today. However, for me white space is good. It is the dark, crowding in of everything that unsettles me. And that is how winter, the short days, the weather, and the reflection of work left undone that unsettles me. It makes me question my talent and my need to create when I feel so low.

As a gardener, I know that the light is around the corner and I will brighten up with the longer days. The green shoots sticking their heads out of the dirt will lift my spirit. But I have to get past the dark days first.

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Thanks for sharing this post !! This is exactly how I feel about he winter!!

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I enjoy your ruminations. But there is a solution. you could move to the south where you don't have to deal with winter weather. I myself, enjoy winter for artistic inspiration and for winter sports.

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Except then he would miss the chance to hibernate or rest... Having lived in California most of my life (and now in Colorado)I’ve just come to appreciate this thing called “winter” and how valuable it is. Embrace it I say!

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I completely understand what you’re describing. Winters in New Hampshire were devastating. Living in Tucson is better, yet the slowness is invasive. I like what you said though about winter being a time of hibernation - a time to reflect. I think I’ll embrace that and avoid chastising myself over it.

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