Good approach Clint and one that I can use at this time since I seemed to have left my Mojo for art and writing somewhere and can’t find it. I’m taking a mental break but will put the “devotion” idea into mind when I get back to painting.

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For July the theme I chose for my Monk Manual planning was "Discipline." When I saw the title of your article I knew immediately what my theme would be for August. "Discipline" was super helpful, but "Devotion" goes much deeper. It taps into Life. Self discipline is a strength, devotion is power. Thanks for your writing, Clint.

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Yes. I’d probably say that as discipline is force and devotion is power, but same idea. Power trumps force, but force can work.

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Beautifully written, Clint, and you do all of your creative loves so well. I totally agree with your thoughts on discipline versus devotion. Further, I feel that the spiritual connection, devotion, that you bring to the arts and creativity is your great strength, not coming personally from you, but through you as an individual conduit of the boundless power and creativity of our awesome Creator, which is open to all who tune in to this spiritual power and light. I am reminded that God is the power source and we are the recipients, and grace, beauty, and creativity flow through us from the source, our Creator.

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Terrific distinction. There is definitely divinity to the creative act.

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This is a really helpful essay. It has unlocked part of the puzzle that I've been struggling with in art and life. I also like the Pavarotti quote, which I can relate to from my singing days. Discipline comes from cold reason, but devotion comes from feeling...

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This is so timely as many of the comments mention as well. Many of us get sucked into the discipline mode, but if we live by our feeling of devotion it all comes together in a much easier and fun way.

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This is so timely for me. Right now, discipline is doing what has to be done in order to get back to doing what I love. If I persevere, the time of devotion will return, and all will be well.. Thanks, Clint.

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We've all been there. I just went through a two month period I had to power through drawing deeply upon discipline, the key is not to get in a situation where you stay there for years.

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Like Lori, I had lost my mojo for art, but I can feel it returning slowly. I like your distinction between devotion and discipline. If discipline is what is sustaining you then I think the result is burnout. I will embrace the concept of devotion as I move forward. Thank you! 🙏 😊

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“In a sense, discipline without devotion is torture.”

Very true. Sometimes though something you LOVE--writing, painting, backpacking, traveling--can initially feel awful and disgusting but you know from experience if you push through you’ll get to that Sweet Spot. I think that initial PUSH often requires discipline.

Michael Mohr

‘Sincere American Writing’


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Yes, this feels true. The discipline to sit down and face the blank page and force oneself to start and power through until the love kicks in

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Exactly! Well said.

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Dear Clint, I read "Devotion, not Discipline" when you published it in July 2023. At the time I was burned out and worn out, yet was committed to create new work for two major shows in November and December. When I read your piece, my entire focus and attitude flipped. I was able to reflect on why I started painting, found my muse, and my daily grind turned into my daily delight. I fell in love with painting again, and have created new work that I'm proud to share. Thank you for your insight. You have guided me from the dark into the light.

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