Yes, you’ve articulated very succinctly what Carl Jung’s work was truly about. I realized recently that those lost in the theories can never understand this. It’s by living well, and doing some unexpected things that one reaches these personal discoveries.

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It’s funny you say that because I’ve written a bunch of similar posts totally from my subconscious or even dreams. But only recently have I started to read Jung and have discovered that everything I’ve written in the past aligns perfectly with his theories. These mythologies/energies truly live within in all. My dream about the King/warrior/ocean a few months ago I I wrote about here I now know was a classic Jungian dream about the king energy coming online.

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I love this interpretation of the Dragon and Princess mythologem! Funny too from my point of view that I should find myself reading this, as it's been on my mind recently for entirely different reasons. Synchronicities, as you pointed out to another commentor.

I maintain that Carl Jung is one of the greatest gifts to humanity we've ever received.

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Agree. I can’t believe how long I went without learning about his ideas.

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When I was real little, probably around 5, I would go in the backyard, sword in hand, and fight the bad dragon. Alongside me was the good dragon. What did I know then that I forgot? As an adult seeking to find my way back to that pure imagination, it's almost like those dragons were innocence and corruption. Whatever happened to them and where are their spawn?

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They live deep inside us waiting for their glorious return!

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What a fun coincidence we both made a post about loving a dragon today ^^

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