I’d say there is a dichotomy in human nature, but it is more of a ‘multichotomy.’ it has always astounded me that some humans create so much horror and pain for their fellow beings (and don't get me started on what they do to animals), meanwhile other people just want to live in peace, plant gardens, and be nice to their neighbours.
But we all have the capacity for darkness, I think. I know I do. It comes out in my writings.
Do we embrace our inner orc, or do we aspire to be like the Valar, beings of Light?
Meanwhile Tolkien's trolls represent people who agitate other people on the Internet, but can be easily distracted into their own internal bickering until a ray of sunlight freezes them to stone.
Dude, I haven't been reading your newsletter but I will be reading it now on. Masterfully done, my friend!
I read your essay with great interest.
I’d say there is a dichotomy in human nature, but it is more of a ‘multichotomy.’ it has always astounded me that some humans create so much horror and pain for their fellow beings (and don't get me started on what they do to animals), meanwhile other people just want to live in peace, plant gardens, and be nice to their neighbours.
But we all have the capacity for darkness, I think. I know I do. It comes out in my writings.
Do we embrace our inner orc, or do we aspire to be like the Valar, beings of Light?
Arise, awaken.
Great read.
Thank you for the reminder.
“Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness…” — John 3:19
Meanwhile Tolkien's trolls represent people who agitate other people on the Internet, but can be easily distracted into their own internal bickering until a ray of sunlight freezes them to stone.
Well written of course. I appreciate your write ups. and on this subject. Thanks,
Fantastic insight!!
Or, as a renowned singer wrote:
We are the orcs
We are the goblins
We are the ones who want to eat the world, so let's start gobbling...
I don’t know what that’s from, but those lyrics work to the tune of “we are the world, we Re the children….”
Yep, that's the one.
Such insight…once again. Thank you.