I’ve been experiencing this throughout my life but lately more so due to health issues. I’ve not been able to get into my studio and work for about a year. I stand outside the door and cry so deeply. It’s so crazy how I long to paint as if it is to survive! Your explanation here describes my experience and inner struggles. As I’m healing physically, I put myself inside my studio even if it’s only for five minutes. I’ll get there. Small steps. But I just want to say that this resonates with me in a very deep way!! I look forward to your book as well 💯🙏🏻
This phenomenon is one I’ve understood in simple “if/then” terms, and you have fleshed it out so well here. The Shadow as dark, raw, creative energy…yes!
I often feel guilty for the irritability and sometimes rage I feel when I don’t have time to create. Your explanation helps to clarify the feeling. Thanks.
Great article. For those of us that have a contrarian Daemon it is the darkness that inspires the muse of destruction. When one goes in to the full lone wolf challenge one will end up in the fulfilment of desire. The Unrationalisation without the added substances or even with the substances of maya and soma. The inclination is to dive and soar. Hardest is the completion part. That death of the 10 year writing project or 20 year painting. That is the key by saying next thing, and doing next thing forever learning. Also epigenetically the environment is a shifting desert much needed by the solemn soul, or the hybrid world of retrieval through travel inner or outer spaces. When the muse appears like eros with a bow. That time space appears with no interruptions. And Dante explains the realms in the divine comedy of creating the impossibe through the houses and spaces. Like Van Gough painted the outside leaving the bars from the painting as in one can be inside while outside.
Excellent words. I spent many years ignoring and battling with my demons, I stumbled upon the answer completely by accident - I slowly began to realize that the more creative work I did, the less 'destructive' my demons were. It wasn't until years later that I discovered the work of Jung and the shadow and then I understood intellectually what was going on.
Some of my very best work has come from expressing very dark thoughts, it can be quite cathartic. Years ago I was experiencing regular visits from "shadow people" at night, having night terrors and sleep paralysis, it got pretty intense. I turned those experiences into a feature length horror script and spent a year producing the film. As soon as I finished the film, the visits from the shadows stopped. I don't think that is a coincidence.
Thank you. That's an incredible story. If you don't know his work I think you would greatly enjoy Matt Cardin's writings at The Living Dark. He too wrote horror and had night terrors and now writes about creativity here on Substack.
This is incredibly resonant, as I can see many others agree. Every part of you that isn't accepted boils beneath the surface until it's borne out as a menace of some sort. I find it very interesting the way you combine the conscious with both the Shadow and the "Muse," though. I'm not sure I've seen that triad before, but it certainly makes sense when you see the Shadow and Muse as two sides of the same coin.
Great piece; it makes me want to become an artist! A question that popped up in my mind, though: If "The Muse" (i.e. Divine force/intelligence) is real, and we are connected to it, part of it, and co-creators with it, [which I conclude is the case!]...then why would "the Mordor" (i.e. Dark force/intelligence) not be just as real?
I’ve been experiencing this throughout my life but lately more so due to health issues. I’ve not been able to get into my studio and work for about a year. I stand outside the door and cry so deeply. It’s so crazy how I long to paint as if it is to survive! Your explanation here describes my experience and inner struggles. As I’m healing physically, I put myself inside my studio even if it’s only for five minutes. I’ll get there. Small steps. But I just want to say that this resonates with me in a very deep way!! I look forward to your book as well 💯🙏🏻
Continued prayers for your continued healing! 🙏
I spoke with my GF a few weeks ago challenging her about the false solace of seeking out living in the light (solis), avoiding the darkness.
Life needs be lived on the edge of darkness to expand the border. For the light to expand. Retreating only expands the darkness.
Dare to look into the abyss [as Nietzsche said best], engage the daemon square in the face, lock its gaze, and diminish it.
Great way to explain it!
This phenomenon is one I’ve understood in simple “if/then” terms, and you have fleshed it out so well here. The Shadow as dark, raw, creative energy…yes!
I often feel guilty for the irritability and sometimes rage I feel when I don’t have time to create. Your explanation helps to clarify the feeling. Thanks.
wherever you hide, it will always find a way out.
YES, YES, YES! Thank you for writing this. I look forward to your new book.
I really REALLY liked this.
Great article. For those of us that have a contrarian Daemon it is the darkness that inspires the muse of destruction. When one goes in to the full lone wolf challenge one will end up in the fulfilment of desire. The Unrationalisation without the added substances or even with the substances of maya and soma. The inclination is to dive and soar. Hardest is the completion part. That death of the 10 year writing project or 20 year painting. That is the key by saying next thing, and doing next thing forever learning. Also epigenetically the environment is a shifting desert much needed by the solemn soul, or the hybrid world of retrieval through travel inner or outer spaces. When the muse appears like eros with a bow. That time space appears with no interruptions. And Dante explains the realms in the divine comedy of creating the impossibe through the houses and spaces. Like Van Gough painted the outside leaving the bars from the painting as in one can be inside while outside.
Excellent words. I spent many years ignoring and battling with my demons, I stumbled upon the answer completely by accident - I slowly began to realize that the more creative work I did, the less 'destructive' my demons were. It wasn't until years later that I discovered the work of Jung and the shadow and then I understood intellectually what was going on.
Some of my very best work has come from expressing very dark thoughts, it can be quite cathartic. Years ago I was experiencing regular visits from "shadow people" at night, having night terrors and sleep paralysis, it got pretty intense. I turned those experiences into a feature length horror script and spent a year producing the film. As soon as I finished the film, the visits from the shadows stopped. I don't think that is a coincidence.
Thank you. That's an incredible story. If you don't know his work I think you would greatly enjoy Matt Cardin's writings at The Living Dark. He too wrote horror and had night terrors and now writes about creativity here on Substack.
Thanks I will check him out
This is incredibly resonant, as I can see many others agree. Every part of you that isn't accepted boils beneath the surface until it's borne out as a menace of some sort. I find it very interesting the way you combine the conscious with both the Shadow and the "Muse," though. I'm not sure I've seen that triad before, but it certainly makes sense when you see the Shadow and Muse as two sides of the same coin.
What makes you say, the muse talks to the shadow? Interested to understand more.
Great piece; it makes me want to become an artist! A question that popped up in my mind, though: If "The Muse" (i.e. Divine force/intelligence) is real, and we are connected to it, part of it, and co-creators with it, [which I conclude is the case!]...then why would "the Mordor" (i.e. Dark force/intelligence) not be just as real?
You might like this podcast on my thoughts on ghosts:
This here👌🏽