Getting at the root of words that we use or that influence us in some way is another way to get at the root of who we are or what we truly desire. I’ve never looked at the meaning of “important” in the way you have brought to the surface.

Indeed, so much of what we do is imported from societal influences and they often have little to do with what we really desire deep down.

Another thought provoking article Clint.


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I think all of us creatives struggle with this, how to carve out the time for what's truly important to us, and how to know what that truly is. I like the way you turn the word "important" around, to see if the thing that seems so important is "imported" from outside ourselves or comes from within.

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Yes, the struggle is real.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Clintavo

So good and so inspiring!

Thank you, Clint.

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