for the past few days on my commute to work, I've been thinking about this. How could I miss so much because I wanted to get to work? I fail to notice the great buildings, the cows enjoying the sunlight we get, and so much more.

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It would be easy to overlook the beauty and the necessity of the banal. I have not seen the sun in days, but when I do it will be glorious! Would it as glorious had I not longed for it? Everything has a purpose. Lets look for the hidden beauty in it.

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There are books centuries old and then some on this subject matter. Take the Bible for instance.

Why the philosophy lessons from you I do not know. Rather have art insights. To me you are under qualified in this current area. Stick with what you know best.

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I can write what I want on my personal blog and I’m not asking strangers to decide what I am or am not “qualified” to write. I am qualified to write about anything I want in a personal reflection. If you only want art insights, then please subscribe to our professional publications where we limit our posts to art topics, such as The Sovereign Artist, and please unsubscribe from my personal blog as I’ve been clear that this blog ranges wildly in topics, and that isn’t going to change. Thank you.

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