An excellent reminder to all. To notice, to be aware. I try to do so always, sometimes more successfully than others of course because sometimes my eyes are backwards in my head and my nose still in the banana I had for breakfast. But I try. I like to sit outside in the plaza of my small/medium town and watch the people and the dogs, and grasshoppers if they're out. Which by the way, they have been lately, in plague numbers, though now it seems they may have moved on. And now my rambling must cease, but before it does, thanks.

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There are countless photos in my files from which I draw inspiration for painting-not photo realistically but an impressionist style (finally). The photos help me recall the feeling as well as the obvious reference to time and place. Noticing is what art makers do-poets and writers, too, I believe. And children. The more we show this to others in our work, the more they also begin to notice things more also. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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