Your words have inspired me today. For a while I’ve known that being an artist means being true to myself and my art. It’s one thing to get that idea and quite another thing to put it into practice. Thanks for the encouragement!

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Yes! I subscribe to the idea that it takes 10,000 hours to become a master (from Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers) - or using resonance terminology - to find your vibe. [By the way, have you read The Uncontrollability of the World or Resonance by Hartmut Rosa?] I have found that starting out by imitating others you admire is a tried and true method and after getting comfortable with the basics you start to experiment outside the accepted norms. I also had an insight on Sunday that if you find the thing that you love to do - you light up and become impassioned. People are attracted to that passion and want to be near you just to catch some of the Light that emanates through you. We are each a unique creation of God and to live into the fullness of life we need to find our special way to shine. You don't want to be like everyone else - so you are going to have to do something different. You have to be you!

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I have not read the books by Harmut Rosa but will put them on the ever increasing list of books to consider. I mostly just meditate and write these days and have insights and save my reading time for fiction, but do work in the occasional non-fiction if it's recommended, so thank you. You are correct about the passion and lighting up. I like to say that devotion trumps discipline every time and we are devoted to the things that we love to do.

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I read the shorter one, The Uncontrollability of the World, and it was so enlightening! I'll probably write about it after I finish writing about Life Together, so you could get some exposure to the ideas that way without the full commitment! Your post just reminded me of it.

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