What I notice about this is that it's quality.

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Do you mean "Quality" in the Robert Pirsig sense? Or are you just complimenting me? Either way, great comment!

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I don't know the Robert Pirsig reference.

One time I went to see Godspeed You! Black Emperor play live for an experimental dance troupe at BAM. After two hours of seat-shaking music and exhaustive, intense dancing, as I and my friend were leaving she said, "Quality. That was quality." And it's that definitive use of the word in which I use it.

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Robert Pirsig wrote "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" and its sequel. He is a philosophical thinker and his theory is that the root "stuff" of objective reality is what he calls "Quality" although I think he picked a poor choice of word for his concept, but in any case, thank you! ZAMM btw is a pretty interesting read if you're into philosophy, it's not really about Motorcycle Maintenance

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