Clint, you have written something that really needs sharing as broadly as possible. It is so long, I don't know how many people will start reading and stop or just skim over parts. That is not meant as negatively as it sounds, but I know it is part of the "way" we have been living. I'm sharing this post to my Facebook page in the hopes that many people will see it that do not subscribe to your newsletter. I hope it helps someone ... or many someones ... see a way to live more joyously, more creatively ... and to be a more positive light among those they are around. Thanks... and I need to read the whole thing one more time, and then again one more time. So much and so many good thoughts you have said I'm sure I have not focused on some of your words. I focus on the word "creator" and have been doing that as a way to find what is inside of me, and how to show the positivity of doing that will help anyone around me. A much better way to live!
Thank you. Yes, it is long. I debated releasing it in three parts - and I probably will do that when I post it to our bigger art newsletter. I kind of posted it here to get feedback first. It is also part of a book about art and creativity that I am writing. While it is long for an online post, it is actually quite short as part of a book because people's expectations and attention are different in a book reading than an online post reading. Thank you for the feedback. I agree that it is important. What I didn't say in the post is that the very thing I am writing about in this essay is the thing that has brought joy and spirituality back into my own life.
I'm glad you didn't do it in three parts. I might miss reading one of "3" and also I think the flow of what you wrote is better all as one. I get that about the difference of expectations and attention. Love the "brought joy and spirituality back into my own life" sentence. I'm writing a book on "being an artist" not technique and it is also somewhat about the joy and positivity we "can" bring to others as a way of giving back.
My book started as a book of marketing art and a huge chunk is devoted to that. But increasingly, it’s impossible to talk about marketing without talking about the creative process and mastery, so I actually ended up writing three books. Lots of editing still needed but they will be offered as two separate books (one on creativity that applies to all creatives and one on marketing that applies mostly to visual artists) and as one huge volume containing both books. The marketing tactics part will be different and likely offered as a download to buyers of the marketing book. Most of this stuff is already available to FASO members in our marketing center though it is all being refined and the final version will be offered as well to FASO members.
Looking forward to it. I am seeing a shift in older artists that have experience to some of the same things we are talking about. Less "look at me and how I do it" and more of "how do you want to do it in a way that feels good to you." I also should have said mine shifted and was initially about how to spend your time and on what as an artist (all the parts except technique) ... enjoyably with much of it coming from my blog posts over many many years ... started almost 7 years ago but life got in the way (parents care and losing them).
I have been hanging about the margins of FASO and your writings for many years ago.
My work has been to create an arts program at a Benedictine Monastery in the New Orleans area. It is called Abbey Art Works. The program I developed is entitled "Painting, Science, and the Life of the Soul." We have proven its efficacy over the fifteen years we have been at work.
Our slogan is " We paint to let our souls know that we are listening."
I love your slogan. It says so much in few words and when I read it a foundational piece of the jigsaw puzzle of living seems to slip into place on my insides. Thank you.
I’ve read the whole article twice and it has inspired me to write these thoughts… so in one sense your article has succeeded in making me think. “ If the artists cannot find the way, then the way cannot be found” a quote by McKenna is absurd. The claim that the task of the artist is to save the Soul of Mankind is frankly ridiculous and arrogant . I’ve been involved in the art world since I was ten and it has provided me a satisfying and fulfilling life . I love Art. I love making it and love what others do in the Arts from painting to music to writing etc. Yet when I lived for Art and bought into the idea of living as an “Artist” it was probably the time which I was the most miserable and lost. Art could not redeem my soul and spirit. It was an Idol that I had created. I had made something that I had fashioned in my mind and translated on canvas into a golden calf. I had replaced God with something fashioned with my Hand. It was not until I had put Art making in its proper place that my career took off and that I was able to have a family and not abandon them while in the pursuit of making Art. In many ways I sense your heart that Religion and Politics divide. Yet since people are involved in ART one cannot avoid the politics and religion that artists make of it. The art world is fraught with divisions and denominations from Abstract painting to Academic painting to Pop Art to Happenings . The art world can’t even arrive at a satisfying definition of what art is? What is good art you may ask and there will be many divergent answers given. Jacques Barzun lectured about this subject in his book “ The Use and Abuse of Art” I recommend it. There is a chapter on Art as Religion. The hope that your article seems to yearn for has already been tried and found wanting. It was the Romantic period that followed the Enlightenment. They focused on Feelings and beauty . It turns out that most of those artists were people you would not want as neighbors or relatives. He has a chapter called Art as Redeemer which covers most of the issues you have with a world dominated by Science and right brain thinkers. I can only say that Christ has saved me from myself. I can only witness to the fact that art did not have the muscle power to save me. My opinion of Art is like good food and friends … it should ENHANCE and INSPIRE us. Yet it has its limitations as we are all different. You may not like my friends or the food I like! As my art teacher told me when I was 10…. 2 people can hear an Operatic Aria where one will be so moved that they will weep. The other will hate it and can’t wait to turn it off. AS I said it earlier that Art has provided me with a good life… but only when I realized that God had given me a gift and that the best way that I could glorify him was to be a master at the craft of art making and not be filled with pride and ambition as a result of the gift is when I truly was set free. Its Joyful! Blessings. Frank Ordaz
Very interesting and thought provoking. Thank you for writing this. The only thing I am sure of though, is that it’s our human hearts that are prone to darkness. God, the Creator of all things, is light, and in him there is no darkness at all. Institutional Christianity may fail to remedy the darkness, but God’s word is Light in the darkness, Love that is eternal and True.
Being of greater faith than ever..... I will say God put you and substack and others in front of me for a reason. So I will respond again with further thoughts and somewhat shared experiences.
Early in my Art Adventures as a Watercolorist and doing Plein Air Adventures I learned of many things in the art world. Studio Tours/ Open House events are one of them. As someone who embraces my gift of Hospitality and finds joy in cooking - I began doing Studio tours very early in my Art Career. They are joyful ways of "connecting" with people who love art and those who "Experience the Ah Ha moment" - of I want that painting, I don't know why! Something ignites!
COVID is and was a problem in itself. People and the Church allowed the Government to shut them down. The Church should have stood it's ground and remained available as all the media did was to push fear at every turn. Where was the belief in God, faith in God - that HE would protect HIS Followers?
My Studio Tours remained on going through it all. I was a place of respite for the drama outside of my courtyard walls. If someone wanted to wear a mask or not, we were all respectful of space - some desperately needed a hug, others not so much. But all needed to escape and see something beautiful. Sit quietly with my old courtyard fountain dribbling water noise. Peaceful, respite and quiet. A little bit of art sold, some prints, coffee mugs and such. But overwhelmingly - thank you for "a moment of serenity."
Through it all - Plein Air Painting was a joy. Fresh air and God's Sunlight. UV kills the virus, so outdoors was the place to be. I also used the time to invest in oneself and learn more art. Two - year long programs were studied online. Matt Tommey Mentoring and Milan Art Institute. Both were wrapped in the message of FAITH. Matt taught us about getting healed up from "all forms of inadequate feelings- be they self-doubt or church, hurt never enough."
You really need to know Milan Art Institute - Eli Milan, you and this whole article are saying the same thing - walking absolutely parallel on the subject of "Artists are to Save the World." That it is up to us to bring things back from the dark side and into God's light and restore the "world." This segment is so in line with all of her teaching and thought process I was compelled to write again.
Not only did the Milan Art Institute Program expose me to all mediums, it helped me find my feet/ voice. Their philosophy and message are more than uplifting - it sets you on a bigger mission. You can participate at any level. Just do Art!
Your comments are beautiful in many ways because of your intentions to help people and explain your beliefs.
We all come from different experiences and are different in some ways. These differences result in different beliefs. I want to embrace these differences in order to grow and understand. This is why I admire your perspective.
I am very different than you. I do not know there is a God or gods. The word religious makes me think of people doggedly following some perspective that they were taught. This does not mean I think you have done this. I do not know a God and I do not know how or why you are you. I also do not know there is not a God. I simply will not pretend I do nor will I say anyone is wrong in their beliefs unless they hurt others.
Perhaps we all know it is not right to kill other people, still it happens every day and in some cases it is celebrated
We all know that others can hurt us with words, it happens.
We celebrate scientific advances in knowledge, yet many call it false information.
Art gives me a feeling of control of what, to me, is beautiful or makes me feel good or even makes me laugh. I love getting compliments on it, even when it does actually sell.
Art is part of what makes me, me. To be able to be me and accept you depends only on the celebration of good works where the works are win-win.
Thank you for your comments. Religion and spirituality are quite different things. I would not call myself religious and have an open mind. To my way of thinking it's all "science" - Science is the study of the nature of reality in the objective, outer, realm, spirituality is the study of the nature of reality in the subjective, inner, realm. I suspect, eventually, there will be what Carl Sagan dreamed of a "world religion" to which all others point where science and spirituality reach similar waters. Already, the more mystic beliefs that many come to (especially in buddhism and deep meditation) share an uncanny resemblance to quantum mechanics. So, and perhaps I should have clarified this, my use of the word "God" is quite undefined though I do feel deeply there is some force or something that can be felt in our quietest moments. In many ways saying "nothing is god" is nearly the same as saying "everything is god." Einstein said that we can treat life as if nothing is a miracle or as if everything is. Similar idea. I agree with what you're saying. I get what you're saying about scientific advances and I agree, though I would, if I'm being pedantic (which I am) all scientific theories are "false" in the sense they are our best model of reality AT THIS TIME, but real science understands and even expects that those theories will be supplanted by a better theory which is also "false." In other words, the theory, the model, can never be the complete truth though they get closer and closer. Our current scientific dilemma is joining quantum mechanics and general relativity which are both "true" theories that are completely incompatible with one another thus proving they are also "false" although immensely accurate and useful in most uses in which they are applied.
Yes, making our art, I think is what makes us, well, us. Thank you for your comment.
What if what I paint is my myth of beauty and some people like it and some do not Whether it sells is the experiment And selling is proof of it’s worth while not selling is failure Theory is try again because I have not succeeded. Therefore the myth has not been proven. Just a thought
I think I would use the word a myth as opposed to false. Either way science is knowledge at any point I. Time where the knowledge can produce predictable outcomes. The process is a hunch, then experiment, then theory. I object t to hunch then theory or just myth without proof. But that is just me. Maybe I am insecure
I agree that it is best in one read. I did put off reading it until I knew I could read it all thoughtfully. I appreciate your succinct style of writing, it is a clear presentation, with no rabbit trails. I have been exploring the subjects you are discussing here for many years and it is refreshing to read your concise words that consolidate it all into substantive essay. I found it encouraging as well, (as most of your writing is to me), an artist who has always struggled to allow the creative side proper space and time.
I saved this essay months ago to come back to, which I've done this morning. This writing is quite profound. I've found myself stunned by the division in our country, and by what seems to be either/or, black and white thinking. It's been a deeply painful time, especially since I'm land in the middle politically . . . not an easy place to be. It does give me hope to see the coming together of some in leadership on both sides, but what really gives me hope is The Mystery, as you've so beautifully described. It is the end-all, be-all. And it is my everything.
Thank you! This message is in the book I’m releasing, hopefully this year, so I hope I can reach others. The idea seems to be in the air everywhere, I think people are in general waking up.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this wonderful post. I completely agree in this philosophy and in " The Great Mystery " God's creation and His love and plan for the salvation of all humankind. Thank you 😊 Mary ( Mimi) Cernyar Fox .
Well said. I am so discouraged by how we have lost our ability to communicate with each other. The divide has become so wide. We have become so focused on left brain learning as we continue to cut creative programs out of our schools in order to achieve higher test scores. I hope artists can save the world by sharing some of that mystery that we have witnessed.
Thank you, Clint, for talking about the spiritual side of art & artists.
As an artist, I feel I was born seeking the eternal. While many in our time our strictly materialistic, I know that there is more to life that what we see, that "God has set eternity in the hearts of men, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." — Ecclesiastes 3:11.
While 'religion' IS somewhat waning in Western churches, it is waxing mightily in churches in Asia, Africa & other parts of the world. As a Christian, I think it is telling that we look to art to 'save us', since nothing we can see or touch - not a lover, friend, wealth or institution - can stand the pressure of being our savior. I experienced this in the past myself: when I took my worth from my art, I couldn't stand the pressure, because I never painted up to my own standards! When I failed, which was almost always, I heard the curses of my art idol damning me! However, after taking my art OFF the pedestal, and letting Jesus be my savior, I can now let it be simply art.
As Dylan said, "Songs aren't going to save the world", and neither is art. We can, and should, be a light to show people the way, as artists did in the pre-18th century. Art is usually a symptom of what people are believing, but occasionally art is made by people who are able to see important things others don’t see.
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." — St. Paul, 2 Corinthians 4:18
I think the real path is getting people to see that following their internal drive to the eternal, quite often through art, is the path that will save them. If each person saves themselves, we save the world. So Dylan is correct but incomplete. Songs won't save the world but they will save the songwriter. And that songwriter will save others. And if enough of us embrace our inner poet, mystic, artist, songwriter, creative true self - it becomes a formidable force to save the world.
From the pope's 1999 letter to artists:
"my hope for all of you who are artists is that you will have an especially intense experience of creative inspiration. May the beauty which you pass on to generations still to come be such that it will stir them to wonder! Faced with the sacredness of life and of the human person, and before the marvels of the universe, wonder is the only appropriate attitude.
From this wonder there can come that enthusiasm of which Norwid spoke in the poem to which I referred earlier. People of today and tomorrow need this enthusiasm if they are to meet and master the crucial challenges which stand before us. Thanks to this enthusiasm, humanity, every time it loses its way, will be able to lift itself up and set out again on the right path. In this sense it has been said with profound insight that “beauty will save the world”."
Whoa… well said and very timely. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
I have come to the same conclusions - and for the first time in decades, have hope for the future. Yes, I am still worried, but I don’t feel so helpless, because I can see/feel through the mess to a healthy place. I agree that we are the ones to make the change needed right now.
I believe that introspection, kindness and connecting to the universe (and seeing that we are all connected) can save humanity. I believe that more and more people are realizing that the cutting up, specializing and dividing is killing us. I see people making positive changes, looking at their thoughts, choices and behavior. I feel the ripples of change and movement toward love. Art in all its forms is a universal language. The process of creating involves experimentation and playing with ideas. It encourages collaboration and communication. I could go on and on but I’m guessing that I’m preaching to the choir here.
… I I personally felt an internal shift after multiple “coincidences” led me to let go of expectations, listen to my intuition and trust myself again. Relaxing and opening up allowed me to be my unique, quirky self which helps others do the same.
Yes, it is in the air. Lots of people are feeling it. The forces of light are waking up. The forces of darkness are getting desperate which makes them especially dangerous in the short term.
Clint, you have written something that really needs sharing as broadly as possible. It is so long, I don't know how many people will start reading and stop or just skim over parts. That is not meant as negatively as it sounds, but I know it is part of the "way" we have been living. I'm sharing this post to my Facebook page in the hopes that many people will see it that do not subscribe to your newsletter. I hope it helps someone ... or many someones ... see a way to live more joyously, more creatively ... and to be a more positive light among those they are around. Thanks... and I need to read the whole thing one more time, and then again one more time. So much and so many good thoughts you have said I'm sure I have not focused on some of your words. I focus on the word "creator" and have been doing that as a way to find what is inside of me, and how to show the positivity of doing that will help anyone around me. A much better way to live!
Thank you. Yes, it is long. I debated releasing it in three parts - and I probably will do that when I post it to our bigger art newsletter. I kind of posted it here to get feedback first. It is also part of a book about art and creativity that I am writing. While it is long for an online post, it is actually quite short as part of a book because people's expectations and attention are different in a book reading than an online post reading. Thank you for the feedback. I agree that it is important. What I didn't say in the post is that the very thing I am writing about in this essay is the thing that has brought joy and spirituality back into my own life.
I'm glad you didn't do it in three parts. I might miss reading one of "3" and also I think the flow of what you wrote is better all as one. I get that about the difference of expectations and attention. Love the "brought joy and spirituality back into my own life" sentence. I'm writing a book on "being an artist" not technique and it is also somewhat about the joy and positivity we "can" bring to others as a way of giving back.
My book started as a book of marketing art and a huge chunk is devoted to that. But increasingly, it’s impossible to talk about marketing without talking about the creative process and mastery, so I actually ended up writing three books. Lots of editing still needed but they will be offered as two separate books (one on creativity that applies to all creatives and one on marketing that applies mostly to visual artists) and as one huge volume containing both books. The marketing tactics part will be different and likely offered as a download to buyers of the marketing book. Most of this stuff is already available to FASO members in our marketing center though it is all being refined and the final version will be offered as well to FASO members.
Looking forward to it. I am seeing a shift in older artists that have experience to some of the same things we are talking about. Less "look at me and how I do it" and more of "how do you want to do it in a way that feels good to you." I also should have said mine shifted and was initially about how to spend your time and on what as an artist (all the parts except technique) ... enjoyably with much of it coming from my blog posts over many many years ... started almost 7 years ago but life got in the way (parents care and losing them).
Really looking forward to the book. Artists and the world need this right now.
Hello Clint,
I have been hanging about the margins of FASO and your writings for many years ago.
My work has been to create an arts program at a Benedictine Monastery in the New Orleans area. It is called Abbey Art Works. The program I developed is entitled "Painting, Science, and the Life of the Soul." We have proven its efficacy over the fifteen years we have been at work.
Our slogan is " We paint to let our souls know that we are listening."
Perhaps we can chat.
Collaborate. Share what we have learned.
Thank you for this heartfelt piece,
Lyn Hill Taylor
Abbey Art Works
Saint Joseph Abbey
Covington, La. 70435
I love your slogan. It says so much in few words and when I read it a foundational piece of the jigsaw puzzle of living seems to slip into place on my insides. Thank you.
Beautiful. I truly believe being in the Now or when I am in the Moment creating , we have found God.
I’ve read the whole article twice and it has inspired me to write these thoughts… so in one sense your article has succeeded in making me think. “ If the artists cannot find the way, then the way cannot be found” a quote by McKenna is absurd. The claim that the task of the artist is to save the Soul of Mankind is frankly ridiculous and arrogant . I’ve been involved in the art world since I was ten and it has provided me a satisfying and fulfilling life . I love Art. I love making it and love what others do in the Arts from painting to music to writing etc. Yet when I lived for Art and bought into the idea of living as an “Artist” it was probably the time which I was the most miserable and lost. Art could not redeem my soul and spirit. It was an Idol that I had created. I had made something that I had fashioned in my mind and translated on canvas into a golden calf. I had replaced God with something fashioned with my Hand. It was not until I had put Art making in its proper place that my career took off and that I was able to have a family and not abandon them while in the pursuit of making Art. In many ways I sense your heart that Religion and Politics divide. Yet since people are involved in ART one cannot avoid the politics and religion that artists make of it. The art world is fraught with divisions and denominations from Abstract painting to Academic painting to Pop Art to Happenings . The art world can’t even arrive at a satisfying definition of what art is? What is good art you may ask and there will be many divergent answers given. Jacques Barzun lectured about this subject in his book “ The Use and Abuse of Art” I recommend it. There is a chapter on Art as Religion. The hope that your article seems to yearn for has already been tried and found wanting. It was the Romantic period that followed the Enlightenment. They focused on Feelings and beauty . It turns out that most of those artists were people you would not want as neighbors or relatives. He has a chapter called Art as Redeemer which covers most of the issues you have with a world dominated by Science and right brain thinkers. I can only say that Christ has saved me from myself. I can only witness to the fact that art did not have the muscle power to save me. My opinion of Art is like good food and friends … it should ENHANCE and INSPIRE us. Yet it has its limitations as we are all different. You may not like my friends or the food I like! As my art teacher told me when I was 10…. 2 people can hear an Operatic Aria where one will be so moved that they will weep. The other will hate it and can’t wait to turn it off. AS I said it earlier that Art has provided me with a good life… but only when I realized that God had given me a gift and that the best way that I could glorify him was to be a master at the craft of art making and not be filled with pride and ambition as a result of the gift is when I truly was set free. Its Joyful! Blessings. Frank Ordaz
Very interesting and thought provoking. Thank you for writing this. The only thing I am sure of though, is that it’s our human hearts that are prone to darkness. God, the Creator of all things, is light, and in him there is no darkness at all. Institutional Christianity may fail to remedy the darkness, but God’s word is Light in the darkness, Love that is eternal and True.
Being of greater faith than ever..... I will say God put you and substack and others in front of me for a reason. So I will respond again with further thoughts and somewhat shared experiences.
Early in my Art Adventures as a Watercolorist and doing Plein Air Adventures I learned of many things in the art world. Studio Tours/ Open House events are one of them. As someone who embraces my gift of Hospitality and finds joy in cooking - I began doing Studio tours very early in my Art Career. They are joyful ways of "connecting" with people who love art and those who "Experience the Ah Ha moment" - of I want that painting, I don't know why! Something ignites!
COVID is and was a problem in itself. People and the Church allowed the Government to shut them down. The Church should have stood it's ground and remained available as all the media did was to push fear at every turn. Where was the belief in God, faith in God - that HE would protect HIS Followers?
My Studio Tours remained on going through it all. I was a place of respite for the drama outside of my courtyard walls. If someone wanted to wear a mask or not, we were all respectful of space - some desperately needed a hug, others not so much. But all needed to escape and see something beautiful. Sit quietly with my old courtyard fountain dribbling water noise. Peaceful, respite and quiet. A little bit of art sold, some prints, coffee mugs and such. But overwhelmingly - thank you for "a moment of serenity."
Through it all - Plein Air Painting was a joy. Fresh air and God's Sunlight. UV kills the virus, so outdoors was the place to be. I also used the time to invest in oneself and learn more art. Two - year long programs were studied online. Matt Tommey Mentoring and Milan Art Institute. Both were wrapped in the message of FAITH. Matt taught us about getting healed up from "all forms of inadequate feelings- be they self-doubt or church, hurt never enough."
You really need to know Milan Art Institute - Eli Milan, you and this whole article are saying the same thing - walking absolutely parallel on the subject of "Artists are to Save the World." That it is up to us to bring things back from the dark side and into God's light and restore the "world." This segment is so in line with all of her teaching and thought process I was compelled to write again.
Not only did the Milan Art Institute Program expose me to all mediums, it helped me find my feet/ voice. Their philosophy and message are more than uplifting - it sets you on a bigger mission. You can participate at any level. Just do Art! Explore this family of artists - their mission statement and all.
Keep writing!
Debra Vance, NMWS and Graduate of Milan Art Institute.
Your comments are beautiful in many ways because of your intentions to help people and explain your beliefs.
We all come from different experiences and are different in some ways. These differences result in different beliefs. I want to embrace these differences in order to grow and understand. This is why I admire your perspective.
I am very different than you. I do not know there is a God or gods. The word religious makes me think of people doggedly following some perspective that they were taught. This does not mean I think you have done this. I do not know a God and I do not know how or why you are you. I also do not know there is not a God. I simply will not pretend I do nor will I say anyone is wrong in their beliefs unless they hurt others.
Perhaps we all know it is not right to kill other people, still it happens every day and in some cases it is celebrated
We all know that others can hurt us with words, it happens.
We celebrate scientific advances in knowledge, yet many call it false information.
Art gives me a feeling of control of what, to me, is beautiful or makes me feel good or even makes me laugh. I love getting compliments on it, even when it does actually sell.
Art is part of what makes me, me. To be able to be me and accept you depends only on the celebration of good works where the works are win-win.
Thank you for your comments. Religion and spirituality are quite different things. I would not call myself religious and have an open mind. To my way of thinking it's all "science" - Science is the study of the nature of reality in the objective, outer, realm, spirituality is the study of the nature of reality in the subjective, inner, realm. I suspect, eventually, there will be what Carl Sagan dreamed of a "world religion" to which all others point where science and spirituality reach similar waters. Already, the more mystic beliefs that many come to (especially in buddhism and deep meditation) share an uncanny resemblance to quantum mechanics. So, and perhaps I should have clarified this, my use of the word "God" is quite undefined though I do feel deeply there is some force or something that can be felt in our quietest moments. In many ways saying "nothing is god" is nearly the same as saying "everything is god." Einstein said that we can treat life as if nothing is a miracle or as if everything is. Similar idea. I agree with what you're saying. I get what you're saying about scientific advances and I agree, though I would, if I'm being pedantic (which I am) all scientific theories are "false" in the sense they are our best model of reality AT THIS TIME, but real science understands and even expects that those theories will be supplanted by a better theory which is also "false." In other words, the theory, the model, can never be the complete truth though they get closer and closer. Our current scientific dilemma is joining quantum mechanics and general relativity which are both "true" theories that are completely incompatible with one another thus proving they are also "false" although immensely accurate and useful in most uses in which they are applied.
Yes, making our art, I think is what makes us, well, us. Thank you for your comment.
What if what I paint is my myth of beauty and some people like it and some do not Whether it sells is the experiment And selling is proof of it’s worth while not selling is failure Theory is try again because I have not succeeded. Therefore the myth has not been proven. Just a thought
I think I would use the word a myth as opposed to false. Either way science is knowledge at any point I. Time where the knowledge can produce predictable outcomes. The process is a hunch, then experiment, then theory. I object t to hunch then theory or just myth without proof. But that is just me. Maybe I am insecure
I agree that it is best in one read. I did put off reading it until I knew I could read it all thoughtfully. I appreciate your succinct style of writing, it is a clear presentation, with no rabbit trails. I have been exploring the subjects you are discussing here for many years and it is refreshing to read your concise words that consolidate it all into substantive essay. I found it encouraging as well, (as most of your writing is to me), an artist who has always struggled to allow the creative side proper space and time.
I saved this essay months ago to come back to, which I've done this morning. This writing is quite profound. I've found myself stunned by the division in our country, and by what seems to be either/or, black and white thinking. It's been a deeply painful time, especially since I'm land in the middle politically . . . not an easy place to be. It does give me hope to see the coming together of some in leadership on both sides, but what really gives me hope is The Mystery, as you've so beautifully described. It is the end-all, be-all. And it is my everything.
Thank you. I totally agree and we each can “fix” our own world by simply dropping a few illusions most of us desperately cling to.
Clint, Thank you for your life saving post. I read every word. I hope that it reaches as many people as possible. I will read it again and again.
Thank you! This message is in the book I’m releasing, hopefully this year, so I hope I can reach others. The idea seems to be in the air everywhere, I think people are in general waking up.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this wonderful post. I completely agree in this philosophy and in " The Great Mystery " God's creation and His love and plan for the salvation of all humankind. Thank you 😊 Mary ( Mimi) Cernyar Fox .
So beautifully and articulately written. Thank you for writing this. It has inspired me to a higher purpose with creating my art.
Well said. I am so discouraged by how we have lost our ability to communicate with each other. The divide has become so wide. We have become so focused on left brain learning as we continue to cut creative programs out of our schools in order to achieve higher test scores. I hope artists can save the world by sharing some of that mystery that we have witnessed.
Beautiful! Thank you 😊
Thank you, Clint, for talking about the spiritual side of art & artists.
As an artist, I feel I was born seeking the eternal. While many in our time our strictly materialistic, I know that there is more to life that what we see, that "God has set eternity in the hearts of men, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." — Ecclesiastes 3:11.
While 'religion' IS somewhat waning in Western churches, it is waxing mightily in churches in Asia, Africa & other parts of the world. As a Christian, I think it is telling that we look to art to 'save us', since nothing we can see or touch - not a lover, friend, wealth or institution - can stand the pressure of being our savior. I experienced this in the past myself: when I took my worth from my art, I couldn't stand the pressure, because I never painted up to my own standards! When I failed, which was almost always, I heard the curses of my art idol damning me! However, after taking my art OFF the pedestal, and letting Jesus be my savior, I can now let it be simply art.
As Dylan said, "Songs aren't going to save the world", and neither is art. We can, and should, be a light to show people the way, as artists did in the pre-18th century. Art is usually a symptom of what people are believing, but occasionally art is made by people who are able to see important things others don’t see.
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." — St. Paul, 2 Corinthians 4:18
I think the real path is getting people to see that following their internal drive to the eternal, quite often through art, is the path that will save them. If each person saves themselves, we save the world. So Dylan is correct but incomplete. Songs won't save the world but they will save the songwriter. And that songwriter will save others. And if enough of us embrace our inner poet, mystic, artist, songwriter, creative true self - it becomes a formidable force to save the world.
From the pope's 1999 letter to artists:
"my hope for all of you who are artists is that you will have an especially intense experience of creative inspiration. May the beauty which you pass on to generations still to come be such that it will stir them to wonder! Faced with the sacredness of life and of the human person, and before the marvels of the universe, wonder is the only appropriate attitude.
From this wonder there can come that enthusiasm of which Norwid spoke in the poem to which I referred earlier. People of today and tomorrow need this enthusiasm if they are to meet and master the crucial challenges which stand before us. Thanks to this enthusiasm, humanity, every time it loses its way, will be able to lift itself up and set out again on the right path. In this sense it has been said with profound insight that “beauty will save the world”."
thank you for your comment.
Whoa… well said and very timely. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
I have come to the same conclusions - and for the first time in decades, have hope for the future. Yes, I am still worried, but I don’t feel so helpless, because I can see/feel through the mess to a healthy place. I agree that we are the ones to make the change needed right now.
I believe that introspection, kindness and connecting to the universe (and seeing that we are all connected) can save humanity. I believe that more and more people are realizing that the cutting up, specializing and dividing is killing us. I see people making positive changes, looking at their thoughts, choices and behavior. I feel the ripples of change and movement toward love. Art in all its forms is a universal language. The process of creating involves experimentation and playing with ideas. It encourages collaboration and communication. I could go on and on but I’m guessing that I’m preaching to the choir here.
… I I personally felt an internal shift after multiple “coincidences” led me to let go of expectations, listen to my intuition and trust myself again. Relaxing and opening up allowed me to be my unique, quirky self which helps others do the same.
We can do this. Joyfully!
Yes, it is in the air. Lots of people are feeling it. The forces of light are waking up. The forces of darkness are getting desperate which makes them especially dangerous in the short term.