Beautiful. Thanks..

"the invisibility of speed" - that really jumped at me. :)

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I've thought for a long time that the gift given to artists, in return for the hours spent creating something that possibly no one else will appreciate, is that we learn to truly see - to notice the colors, the shapes, the movement and the life around us. --- Good story, and excellent point!

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Feels like it has a deeper current of Ray Bradbury-ness waiting to swirl to the surface.... love Ray Bradbury, this is ‘attracting’. Cool job

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He’s a writer I seriously look up to! Now, if only I could uncover that current...

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You will

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Clint, that is a wonderful story. It is a teaching one as well. As an artist it spoke to me about how we try to show people the beauty in all things we paint. Not all artists do, but I believe the best in a person and as an artist, that will be one of their purpose driven thoughts. Thank you...

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Thought provoking

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Well done! Your story had my attention. Thank you.

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💻❤️ !

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