Well, you just so perfectly described the torture of not creating, when creating is the very heart of our deepest soul, truly our basic reason for even living. I am an artist - drawing and painting - but the creative soul is the same. When I cannot have the space and time to paint, I become very depressed and yes, bitchy. Living alone, I have no-one to take it out on. thank goodness. But here is the bottom, basic truth - the creator (me) has to give myself "permission" to paint. Yes, I have to believe that my painting is more important than organizing my office, washing the dirty floor, even mourning the death of a loved one. But when one gets depressed, we are often mean to ourselves. That monster appears and says that you cannot paint, no-one likes your work anyway, you are nothing. Eventually, we DO create. And kick that monster out. And then, like magic-light, love, and happiness return to our battered soul. Create like crazy! Keep that monster in place! And of most importance - love thyself!

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I read this entire piece because it was so well written! And so true! I’m an illustrator and I know what you’re talking about. If I’m not creating, I’m feeling a huge void. Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic writing!

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Clintavo, I’m going to print this and post this on my wall. Thank you for this gift. Randy.

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Rune-covered keyboard <3<3<3

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You Sir, speak truth with your words with clarity and honesty as well. 🌺❤️🌺, Louanne

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Omg. What a brilliant quote!!!

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Which one? I liked all three but curious which one resonated most with you?

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My relief valve... or maybe my warning siren... whenever I go too long without painting is reoccurring dreams about a car breaking down or driving off a bridge or getting really lost trying to travel somewhere. These dreams have been going on for 20 years, ever since I quit my job to paint full time. But I need a roof and food so I'm working again. Carving out painting time is a challenge; getting into the mind space can be even harder. My floors are dirty, my family has clean but wrinkled clothes and grocery delivery is regular because my painting time is precious. Thank you for putting this into words more eloquent than mine.

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This is so relatable as a visual artist. Life has often gotten in the way of my creative time, which I always seem to view as of secondary importance to *everything else*. Eventually it creeps up on me and I get grouchy. It's nice to know I'm not alone in this feeling. Ps. I would urge you to reconsider your use of genAI for imagery, it's disheartening and painful to see it used, especially by a fellow creative.

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My thoughts exactly! Thank you for capturing this! I look forward to everything you post! Whenever you can…

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Congratulations on opening that valve.

As I once said, I think you are precious, and your words are as well.

May your light let you fly yet higher.

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Thank you so much. I wish you the same!

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Of course, as visual 2D artist, the same is true. All it takes is to paint. And all then feels well. Thanks as always for your writing. and sharing with us. Linda

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Wow! if only i had your imagination and way with words. Nevertheless I identify with the valve thing. When i write i don’t expect anyone to read it and even if they do they would not understand me. I do feel a sense of relief from puttung my thoughts in digital form. Thanks

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Thank you

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Happy to have you back writing again.

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Truly, if we spent less time consuming, far more time would be available for creating. Even in our busy age, it's so easy to forget the amount of white space one has filled up with consumption.

Thank you for sharing, I absolutely loved this piece. More fun than the typical 'writing-guru', and much more human.

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